Seriously, if you walked past that guy on the street wouldn't you hold your child's hand a little tighter? I think it is high time we start criminally profiling creepy looking people. I said it.
Would you like to share a long walk on the beach with this guy?

Would you invite this guy to your 4th of July barbecue?

No. You wouldn't because they look fucking creepy. I propose legislation that will allow investigation and surveillance of people who score above 5 out of 10 on the Fucking Creepy scale of appearance. It's not like the discrimination will hurt them - they're too ugly and socially incompetent to be really happy anyway. They might even like the attention!
Don't worry, Ace, you're only at a 4.

Where the hell did you find that picture of Ace?
I looked long and hard, that's where!
I'm a google fucking ninja.
LOL! Ace looks more cuddly than creepy.
John Hawkins on Ace at CPAC.
Yeah, I know, you've already seen it:
So, after lunch, I head over to catch Ace from Ace of Spades HQ getting a blogger of the year award.
Ace runs a pretty wild blog, uses a lot of profanity, and so I'm thinking, "Hey, here's a great opportunity for a 'Coulter' moment. Ace could come out wearing a Motorhead 'Ace of Spades' t-shirt, spit beer into the crowd, drop a few F-bombs. This could be great!"
So, when I finally see Ace I am completely and utterly shocked because he sort of looks like Mark Steyn. But, I figure, "Hey, maybe the guy is just dressed up for the convention, you know like a thug who gets dressed up for court."
Let's try the link this way.
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