Thursday, February 28, 2008

Life Is Beautiful

So far the challenges of this year have yielded the most wonderful two months of my life. Never let it be said that seemingly negative events don't provide the possibility of pure joy.

Already I've broken a bone, had surgery and been in a car accident. This leaves aside the financial problems that accompany such events while struggling through two difficult jobs and having a baby. When it rains it pours.

But both jobs are doing well, my car is fixed, my shoulder is healing and being with my daughter is the most wonderful thing I've ever experienced.

So, a word of advice. Don't sweat it when everything in life is going wrong. That is precisely when it all goes right.


nice deb said...

Wow, it sounds like you've been a modern day "Job" for the last couple of months. I'm glad you were able to make make lemonade out of all the lemons.

Schrodinger said...

Yes, Deb. It was a rough patch and the roughness isn't over but it is getting much easier to look at difficult times as opportunities instead of punishment.

Thanks for stopping by!

Schrodinger said...

Yes, Deb. It was a rough patch and the roughness isn't over but it is getting much easier to look at difficult times as opportunities instead of punishment.

Thanks for stopping by!